Saturday, October 27, 2012

Our Haunted House

Haunted House by Alyssa

Given that Halloween is just around the corner, this seems as good a time as any to tell you that our house is haunted.

Sometimes I'll swear that I hear footsteps or rustling, but it's our ghost's love of music that has really tipped us off to his or her presence.

We've long had issues with electronics.  It's our curse, we usually say.  So it should come as no surprise that it's our iHome system that's been acting funny.  Funny, meaning it turns on at entirely random times all by itself.  I'm telling you, it comes on at different times of the day when no one is anywhere near it.  But then several days or even weeks will go by before it happens again.  Creepy, right?

So we've come to the conclusion that there's more than just the 5 of us living in our house.

Do you think the ghost in our house is as cute as this one?  Do you remember this?

Probably my favorite Halloween costume of all time!

Happy Haunting!


Ben and Carrie said...

That is a great drawing by Alyssa. Very impressive.

Your house really does sound haunted- people showering without knowing it, random music coming on... Scary! :)

And that really is one adorable little ghost.

Granny said...

Ooooh, I remember that curt little ghost. You guys and electronics, that is scary.!

Granny said...

Oops! Should be cute, not curt.
Great drawing Lys.

Lucy said...

Yikes! Your photo editing really makes the cute ghost creepy looking!!

Jen Childers said...

Great picture Alyssa! Those ghost pics are such a crack up!

Jen Childers said...
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