Friday, June 29, 2012

I Should Have Known

The day after school ended, the kids cleaned out their binders/backpacks.  Caleb tossed several of his papers, including some poetry he'd written, in the bathroom garbage can.  Though partially buried under some wet paper towels, I noticed this gem and rescued it from the wastebasket.  I love it.

10 Things I Should've Known Poem
By: Caleb Hatch

I should have known to not shove food down my mouth all at once
I should have known to be more kind to my sisters
I should have known how to cook some more food
I should have known some more dance moves
I should have known to end my bad sportsmanship
I should have known to keep cool with mom when we fight
I should have known not to eat so many snacks
I should have known to keep an open mind
I should have known to try new stuff, such as food
I should have known how to do the dishes or laundry

I should have known all my nagging would come out in his writing.  (Though I don't think I've ever gotten after him to learn more dance moves.)


Holly said...

Good save Tara - isn't it nice to know he really is listening?

Emily said...

that's great :)

Jen Childers said...

Love it!

SuburbiaMom said...

Yes--good save!!!

Ben and Carrie said...

I loved hearing it the first time from memory and I loved reading the real original. But I'd have to say his dance moves are already pretty great. He should have know THAT!

Chad said...

He is really a great young man!

Craythorn Family said...

That is a really neat poem. You need to frame it and hang it in his room.