Sunday, August 29, 2010

Youth Speaker

Caleb gave his first Sacrament meeting talk today. He was given the topic, "I hope they call me on a mission," which was appropriate since we had a very-recently returned missionary report his mission as well.

Caleb was very nervous but he did a great job hiding it as he stood confidently at the pulpit. His natural inflection and sincerity of his tone make him an easy speaker to listen to.

I decided to post his talk here as I thought his grandparents would appreciate being able to read the words he shared today. I gave him a few questions to prompt him, but these words are all his. And knowing Caleb, you'll be able to hear his voice throughout them.

“ I hope they call me on a mission, when I have grown a foot or two.”

I want to go on a mission because I want to be able to teach people about the church and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

“I hope by then I will be ready to teach and preach and work as missionaries do.”

I can be ready to serve a mission by completing my Duty to God, bearing my testimony and by learning how to pray and keep the Sabbath day holy. An experience I’ve had with prayer was when the scouts and I were searching for a campsite. We couldn’t find a spot to camp. We had hiked three miles and we were already very tired. It was about 11:00 at night. So we decided to say a prayer to our Heavenly Father for help. After the prayer, we traced our steps back from where we’d come and then we found a perfect spot. We were thankful that our Heavenly Father answered our prayer.

Another experience I had was when my youngest sister, Natalie, lost her favorite blanket that she always uses when she goes to sleep. My sister was feeling panicked and worried about her blanket. My mom decided we should say a prayer that we could find my sister’s blanket. Natalie asked me to say the prayer. After we prayed, we went back into her room and decided to look in the laundry basket, even though we had already looked there before. Right at the bottom of the laundry basket was her blanket. She yelled, “I found it!” These experiences with prayer teach me that our Heavenly Father always answers our prayers and makes my faith and testimony stronger.

“I hope that I can share the gospel.”

An experience I had with sharing the gospel was when one of my friends invited me to a party on Sunday. I stood up and told him about the Sabbath and that we always keep the Sabbath day holy. I can be a good example by always trying to do the right thing.

“I want to be a missionary and serve and help the Lord while I am in my youth.”

I recently went to a clothing bank with Ben and Adam to help out the poor and needy. We helped them get school supplies, clothes and hair cuts for school. I helped the kids or their parents get their school supplies and make sure everything was A-OK with them. Service is something that will help me be like a missionary.

I have a testimony that I know that the church is true. I know that I can be a good missionary that is always helpful and thoughtful. I know that our prayers will be answered when we need help. I want to serve a mission. I will be ready if I choose the right.

Don't you just love the "A-OK" part? It's so Caleb.

I'm not all that thrilled about the thought of him growing another foot (it definitely won't be two!) but I'm sure grateful that he his growing in the gospel and able to share his thoughts in this way.


Jen Childers said...

Thanks for sharing. What a great talk! Caleb will make a great missionary:)

Steve said...

He was so great! He sounded like a pro up there.

Erin said...

Fabulous! Great job Caleb, we wish we could have been there to hear you.

Karen said...

We wish we could have heard him. Thanks for sharing his words. He did great!

Granny said...

Wonderful talk Caleb! Like everyone else, I wish I could have heard it. I'm sure you did a great job even though you were nervous.

Chad said...

Good JOb buddy! Wish we could have heard it!

jenny said...

I think that is so awesome! Way to go Caleb!

Lucy said...

What a fine young man!

Melissa said...

He did such a good job! He didn't sound nervous at all.