Monday, March 4, 2013

On Being a Rock Star

Several years ago, while talking about the latest edition of American Idol, my friend asked this rhetorical question: "Everyone dreams of being a rock star, right?"

"Not me," I thought.  Having to hold a microphone in the middle of a spotlighted stage gives me anxiety. I've never dreamed of being a rock star or even famous in any way.

And then I became a rock star.  Except there is no microphone, stage or spotlight.  And my adoring fans are five-year-olds.  But still.

I've taught kindergarten quite a bit this year.  It's easily one of my favorite places to sub.  Magical, really.  Because I'm a substitute, the kids see me seldom enough for me to remain a novelty, but often enough to know me fairly well.  If I'm at the school on a different assignment, passing me in the hall is like a celebrity sighting.  They're gasping at the sight of me and breaking their arms to wave.  Sometimes I hear excited whispers, "There's Mrs. Hatch!"

Last week, while teaching 2nd grade, I had recess duty.  I spent most of the time greeting my young fans who came running upon seeing me.  They're little enough to fit three of them into one giant hug.

See what I mean?  A rock star.  And I've decided I love it.  Who doesn't love that kind of attention?  My status lessens the older the students get, which is why the youngest of them are my people.

I recall Jon's work Christmas party many years ago--back in the WaMu days--when after introducing me to his boss, the man said, "Jon is one of our rock star developers."  "I am married to a rock star," I thought.  How cool is that?

(Oh and if the software developer stuff doesn't work out, I'm quite sure he could make a living as the voice of Heinz Doofenschmirtz.  I mean seriously, he sounds just like him! Have him do it for you sometime.)

Even Doofenschmirtz dreams of being a rock star.

We all want to be loved and accepted, right?  Adoring fans make anyone feel good, even if they are only 5 year-olds.  So the conclusion I have come to is this: Yes, everyone does dream of being a rock star.  Maybe just not in the literal sense.


SuburbiaMom said...

You are a great rockstar!!

Jen Childers said...

Well when you put it that way....I love that you are a rockstar in the elementary school!

Emily said...

very fun :)

Granny said...

You rock Girl! Gotta love Kindergarten.

Chad said...

You go girl!

Lucy said...

I bet you are the world's best substitute. Lucky school to have you not only willing but so, so competent, too.

Melissa said...

Five year olds are the best! The other day while dropping off Abby, I got out of the car to help her with her coat and the kids on the wall started shouting, "Abby's mom! It's Abby's mom!"

They are lucky to have you as a substitute!