Monday, June 22, 2009

For Sale

The economy may be down but our business is booming!

We decided to try peddling some yummy goods to the fans in the Parks-and-Rec baseball stands. Caleb plays ball while the girls sell the sweets. The older and much more reserved of the sales-girls quietly instructs the younger to use her boisterous voice to attract the customers.

"COOKIES! Cookies for 25 cents!"

They sold out in about 30 min. And came home with $12.75 in pocket change.


Granny said...

Way to go Ladies! Those cookies do look yummy!

Erin said...

I don't remember ever selling anything during Chad's many games, but I would have given ANYTHING for such a distraction! Especially considering the benefits!

Good goin' girls! Hope your business keeps doing well.

Sarah said...

I would have bought some from those two cute girls in a heart beat!

Chad said...

Way to go girls! I would give you a whole dollar for one of those cookies!

Lucy said...

Nice! Now I want a cookie.

Camille said...

Who could resist those adorable faces. Plus, the cookies look delicious. Yum!