Alyssa's Gymnastics center is in the process of moving to new, larger facility. We went to the gym last Friday evening to help move equipment. Every member of our family helped to load bars, beams, boxes and such. We had been working for about an hour when a few people, including Caleb, lifted a mat to transport it onto the flatbed trailer. As it was lifted, it bumped into a large glass trophy case. The case fell toward the cement floor but was stopped short of a shattering fate. What kept it from its imminent crash? Jon's leg. Or more specifically, his shin.
Jon was standing nearby when he saw the case get tipped. He ran for it and out of instinct, put his leg under it to break the fall. He did save the case. The gym's owner witnessed his heroics but I'm sure has not a clue as to the physical price he paid to save it.
The leg was definitely painful but he kept his suffering to himself and continued moving large pieces of equipment. It bruised right away and was sore to walk on, but the worst of it did not show up for a few days. On Sunday his foot started turning blue. It became more and more swollen and then this morning, the area around the wound was quite red. He limps around behind closed doors, can scarcely walk in the mornings, but he continues to put on a macho it-doesn't-really-hurt, look-how-I-can-jump-up-and-down attitude when he's out and about. He was in an increased amount of pain this morning, acknowledged that it was getting more red, and finally agreed to go see a doctor. (I've been begging him to go in for a few days now.)
Just look at the swelling in that right ankle. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for infection at the wound site. He didn't seem overly concerned about the bruising in his foot and didn't do an x-ray or anything. Hopefully it will get better soon.
The trophy case was saved but here is the lesson learned: just let it fall next time.
Oh my word! You told me about the shin but not the black and blue ankle. Hopefully the doctor's nonconcern is correct. Get better soon, Jon!
oh ouch!! That definitely looks worse than the cut on the first picture. Poor Jon. Hope you are staying off of it and only doing upper body stuff this week!!!!
Oh my goodness! I thought it was just a bad cut on the shin, but all of that bruising looks horrible! Man, tough break for Jon. I hope he heals quickly.
They always say that it looks worse than it is....I don't think that's the case with this injury. But good job at being super Macho Jon and "acting" like it didn't hurt as much as it did. :)
Wow...what an injury. You should get at least a couple of months free gymnastics for that injury! Hope it heals quickly. That bruising looks real nasty. If it doesn't start feeling better, you may want to get it x-rayed. My little broken bone kept me off it for weeks. Take care!
Ugh.. that does look horrible. You should totally get a free months tuition for that. At least!
Ouch Jon! I hope he feels better soon. I am sure that gym coach was forever grateful, but I can't believe that it did that to his poor foot. Too bad Doug wasn't there to help :)
Oh my Jon! That looks so painful. I'm glad you went to get it checked out.
Take care!
I love that Jon let you take all the pictures. His foot looks horribly painful! Good job on saving the case, but I think I'm with time let it go, man.
I love that Jon let you take all the pictures. His foot looks horribly painful! Good job on saving the case, but I think I'm with time let it go, man.
Way to take one for the team! Looks extremely painful! Don't be so tough, Jon. Like the Tim McGraw song says, "I Don't Know Why Grown Men Don't Cry." Just let it out!
Wow Jon!! Talk about hurting; and I should know I've had ankle reinforcement surgery because of too many bad sprains. Fun to catch up on the Hatch's. Take care all.
Chris Coffman
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