Alyssa brought home a "Memory Video" DVD which included the Mother's Tea program the first graders did as well as a slide show of her class. She quickly put it into the DVD player. Though I've felt on the verge of tears for the past couple of days, I had been holding together quite well being the crier that I am. Then, Alyssa's precious baby-doll face popped up on my TV screen while the lyrics of "Let Them Be Little" played as background music. I lost it. I had to leave the room.
I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand.
You felt so good in it; no bigger than a minute.
How it amazes me you're changin' with every blink.
Faster than a flower blooms, they grow up all too soon.
So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.
Summer means a whole lot more noise, mess, arguing and a greater need for TV regulation all of which makes me very tired just thinking about it. But the end of a school year also means that my kids are that much older, that that many more moments of childhood are spent and that that mile post of life is passed. It means that we will soon have to start all over with new teachers and new routines. At the root of it, it means change. I don't like change.
We found out today that Alyssa's "boyfriend" of two years is moving to a different school next year. We're really sad to see this adorable little guy go but at least I won't have to worry anymore about their hand-holding. It's cute now, but talk about growing up too fast!
Fifth grade. Doesn't the sound of it make you shudder? One more year of elementary school, that's all we have left with Caleb. I'm already losing sleep over it.
We did, however, get a good dose of pain reliever with today's round of growing pains. It came in the form of an academic achievement award that Caleb earned at an assembly this morning. The award is given each trimester to the students who achieve a 3.5 or higher GPA. He narrowly missed the award during the first two trimesters of the year but this trimester he succeeded. This is a big accomplishment for him and we were proud.
We'll soon adjust to our new "normal" and I'll be free of these particular growing pains...until September.