Friday, April 18, 2008


Natalie went to "school" yesterday. It was actually just a minimally structured, hour-long Parks and Rec class but to her it was excitingly grown-up. She's been looking forward to the start of "Alphabet Adventure" since I registered her about a month ago.

Natalie and friend, Chloe, excited for the first day of "school."

Miss Betty--the same teacher that has been running this class since Caleb participated in it 6 years ago--greeted us enthusiastically. She's a bespectacled older woman with a mousy voice and gentle manner. She seemed genuinely thrilled to have the last of our children come through her program. Natalie went right to work rolling and cutting a mound of play dough and it was clear she was really going to enjoy herself.

She arrived home with a pile of messy projects, some with still-wet paint. They are destined to land in the recycle bin by day's end but I've allowed one to be displayed on the frig for now. She gave me a recap of her activities which included "Ring around the Rosies." I was curious if she'd remember Miss Betty so I asked, "What was your teacher's name?"

"Grandma." I'm sure that's not entirely wrong, she probably is someone's grandma and she certainly fits the visual of one. Natalie then added, "Mom, I 'ppreicate you got me to alphabet school."

After lunch she picked up the phone to call her imaginary friend, Sally. She pretended to dial, held the phone to her ear while cocking her head to the right and after a quick greeting said, "Sally, I 'ppreciate you to come over to my house to play."

Later, we needed to get ready to take Alyssa to gymnastics but Natalie had changed into shorts. Though she always prefers to be bare-legged, it's still too cold to wear shorts outside of the house. I asked her to change in preparation of our departure and she just replied, "Mom, I 'ppreciate you let me wear shorts."

It's nice that she seems to be so full of appreciation, but I don't really appreciate her using it as a means of getting her own way. She still had to change her clothes.


Lucy said...

She really is so cute. And polite. And growing up! Can't wait to see her again this summer:)

Erin said...

So much of this post had me cracking up!

Wish you guys could come see up this summer too!

Tammy said...

Too cute!

Ben and Carrie said...

The girls had such a great time- thanks for telling us about the class and carpooling together! I 'ppreciate it!

Could you/would you send me (email me) the pic of Natalie and Chloe together, and the one you said you got of Chloe painting? Such cute girls.

Granny said...

Okay, I laughed out loud numerous times while reading this post. Of course we all know I can't even say Natalie's name without giggling. What a charmer.

Natty, I am so glad you had a great time at Alphabet Adventure. I wish this grandma had been your teacher.

jenny said...

That is too funny. At least she ppreciates you right? What a cutie ;)

Jen Childers said...

What a cutie! She definitely is a charmer.

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Chad said...

I admit it, I laughed out loud. I 'ppreciate Natalie's spunky little personality!So darn cute!