Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Valentine's Day Surprise

Caleb was due to be home from school right as spring break was starting. Jon and I decided we really wanted to go somewhere as a family. We posed this hypothetical question to each of the kids separately: "If you could go anywhere for spring break, where would it be?" We were somewhat surprised when Disneyland made each of their short lists.

Jon was able to find some cheap flights to LA, so we were soon planning our trip to the Happiest Place on Earth. Because I love surprises, I wanted to keep it from the kids for the time being.  In fact, for a moment I thought about trying to pull off one of those tell-them-when-it's-time-to-leave-for-the-airport kind of surprises. But I decided that while that might be fun, it would deny them the joy of anticipating the trip, so we decided to give it to them as a Valentine's Day gift.

I made a yummy dinner and individual chocolate cakes, with a card at each place setting.

During dinner they opened their cards...

When we called Caleb to open his via FaceTime, we woke him from a late nap. It took him a long time to comprehend what the surprise was. Maybe because he was so drowsy?

Such a fun surprise!

We started our countdown right away.

Disneyland here we come!

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