Tacoma was the southermost point and the kids were standing at the "Seattle Center" to the north. You can see just how big their city was.
City features included: SeaTac airport, complete with the control tower
Westlake Center (a mall)
The Pacific Science Center
Safeco and Qwest fields (betcha can't guess who added those in)
And though this was a fairly good replica of the actual city, they decided that while they were drawing the Space Needle, they might as well include Disneyland in the Seattle Center. Good idea.
Their city also had a couple of hotels, Sam's Club, Krispy Kreme and a couple of hospitals.
I was amazed at all the details they'd thought of and every feature was connected with highways and byways.
Here are some of the artists standing behind "Disneyland Seattle."
They were planning to expand on the city of Tacoma when I ruined their fun by telling them it was time to go to gymnastics. While driving to the gym Alyssa realized they hadn't added any schools.