It was a great way to start our "love" day, but in all reality, we've been feeling the love for over a week now.
Grandma's Valentine packages arrived last Friday. It was like Christmas all over again. Few things are as exciting as getting a personally addressed box of goodies in the mail. The kids were truly delighted.
Candy, clothes and gift cards to restaurants are just some of the things we found inside. We went out to dinner that very night!
A few days later, another package arrived. Aunt Erin made some darling hairclips for the girls. It was so hard for them to decide which one to wear first, but they eventually decided to go with the flowers. I think they look so cute.
"So-Good Cookies" are a Valentine must. I kept shooing the kids away while I worked, but when I finally let Natalie indulge in one after hours of delaying her craving, she couldn't contain her satisfaction. She savored a few bites and then exclaimed, "I'm freaking out!"
I have to admit that I love that my kids love my cookies. And I thought her reaction was so dang funny that I just had to snap a picture. Here's Natty wearing the flower from Erin, shirt from Grandma and holding the frosted goodness:It seems our whole week has been filled with thoughtful gifts, acts of kindness and fun Valentine's celebrations, but my one true Valentine knew just how to say, "I love you"...
He cleaned all the bathrooms!